In Sanskrit it literally means that which eliminates or destroys the disease..

Acharya Charaka has categorized it as:
a) Kushtaghna (Relieves various skin disorders)
b) Kandughna (Antipruritic)
c) Rechana (Laxative)
It’s Ayurvedic properties
Taste (Rasa) Sweet and it has a Cold potency (Virya)
It has Vata-pitta reducing qualities also has bowel cleansing attributes
Vata Pacifying due to Sweet (Madhura) taste and it's Unctuous (Singdha) properties.
Pitta reducing by it's Cold (sheeta veerya) potency
Leaves: Tannins, Rhein, glucoside and sennosides
Stem bark: fistucacidin, pentahydoxyflavan, Tannins, barbaloin
Pulp: Carbohydrate, proteins, leucine, arginine, phenylalanine, tryptophan and glutamic acid.
Seed: Vermolic, sterculic, galactomannan.
Home remedies:
For constipation: Fruit pulp separated from the pod 8 to 10grams along with hot water act as laxative.
For Itching in dermatitis, scabis: Paste of the leaves applied externally.
For throat infection, mouth ulcer: Gargle with decoction of Aragwdha bark.
Ayurvedic Formulations:
Aragvdhadi kashayam
Maha Manjistadi kashayam
Aragvadhamahaatiktaka Gritham
Aragwadhamrutaadi Kashayam
NOTE : Strictly to be taken under the guidance of your Ayurvedic physician