Takram laghu

Its properties and medicinal qualities
Butter milk does not cause heaviness when consumed. Hence it is known to have the quality “laghu”(LIGHT). It gets digested quickly and easily. Butter milk is usually sour in taste and acts as an astringent. Due to this property butter milk helps in reducing pores caused by acne and pimples.
It reduces hyper motility of intestines during diarrhoea and IBS. This property also helps to shrink haemorrhoids.
Aggravated Kapha and Vata are mitigated by buttermilk. It is the best Agni deepaka (appetizer).
According to Ayurveda it reduces adman (bloating of stomach), eases symptoms of haemorrhoids, soothes intestines in IBS and helps in indigestion.
It is very useful in treating pandu (anaemia).
Butter milk detoxifies body and cleanses the intestines, relieves constipation and helps to replenish intestinal flora. I
It has less fat compared to milk and is rich in calcium, potassium and Vit B12.
Ways prepare butter milk?
Thick curd (dadhi) should be whipped to separate butter. The liquid portion which remains after separating butter is called as butter milk or “takra”
Whip 1 part of curd in a blender for 30 seconds then add 4 parts water and blend again for 2 minutes, the froth will be formed above the mixture, remove the froth(contains most of the butter molecules) and drink only the liquid part(butter milk).
Nutritional Information
Butter milk is a low fat skimmed milk with almost 2% of fat content. The butter milk is supposed to contain 90%of water, 5% of milk sugars, 3% of milk protein and 2% of fats. Butter milk is sour-salty in taste due to lactic acid that is produced by the action of bacteria. The protein of butter milk is more easily digestible than the milk protein.