Botanical Name : Eclipta alba ; Family : Asteraceae

In Sanskrit the word "Bhringraja" literally means "the king of Hair". Bhringraja has been used in Ayurveda for over 3000 years because of its rejuvenating properties.
The plant is found to grow wild in a variety of soils with sandy to clay soil and vary common on damp wastelands, low waterlogged areas, roadsides, paddy and other crop fields, preferably in warm climate.
Bhringraja in Ayurveda
This herb has
A bitter, pungent, and sweet rasa (taste)
A cooling Virya (action)
A pungent Vipaka (post-digestive effect)
It is considered one of the best overall rejuvenates for pitta Dosha.
Combining the bitter and cooling properties of the herb with its action as a rejuvenating tonic
Bhringraja works wonders throughout the tissue layers and in different organs of the body
It's bitter quality works to cleanse the liver by clearing excess Pitta and increases bile flow.
This action in the liver extends to support the tissues of Rasa (plasma or Lymph) and Rakta (Blood) dhatus (Tissues), helping maintain calm, glowing skin and strong, healthy blood flow.
The ability to clear excess heat and agitation from the crown of the body also helps explain why Bhringraja is the ideal herb to support lustrous, healthy hair growth and robust color.
Bhringraja simultaneously calms Pitta and Vata in the region of the head and fortifies Majja (Bone Marrow) dhatu, the tissue of the nerves.
Bhringraja restores and strengthens Asthi dhatu (the bone tissue layer), which includes our teeth and nails.
Finally, because of its pungent Vipaka (post-digestive effect), Bhringraja is excellent for the lungs, helping clear excess Kapha accumulation and maintain healthy function of the respiratory tract.
It can also be used to support the health of the reproductive organs.
Synonyms of Bhringraja
Eclipta alba
False Daisy
Trailing Eclipta
Gunas (Properties)
Rasa- Katu & Tikta
Vipaka- Ushna
Virya - Laghu
Guna - Ruksha
Prabhava - Kaphaghna Vataghna Keshya
Chemical Composition
The chemical composition of Eclipta alba is major containing coumestan derivatives such as wedelolactone[1.6%] and dimethyl wedelolactone2. Although all parts including seeds, stems, roots and leaves have significant and differing medicinal properties. B
Therapeutic Uses
The whole plant is used as antiseptic, febrifuge, tonic, reduces obstruction in hepatic and spleen enlargement and is emetic.
In combination with aromatics, the juice is given in anemia, catarrh and cough.
The plant is also used as scalp tonic for promoting hair growth.
Bhringraja is commonly used to remove obstruction to promote bile flow and to protect the liver parenchymatous tissue in viral hepatitis and other conditions involving hepatic enlargement.
The fresh juice of the leaves is given in the treatment of edema, fevers, liver disorders, and rheumatic joint pains; it is also used to improve the appetite and to stimulate digestion.
The juice is given with honey to treat upper respiratory congestion in children.
The hair oil is prepared from boiling the fresh leaves with either coconut or sesame oil renders the hair black and lustrous.
Although all parts including seeds, stems, roots and leaves have significant and differing medicinal properties. Bhringraja [ Charaka, Sushruta ] used the plant juice, with honey for asthma, cough and senility
Hair growth
Bhringraja oil increased the number of hair follicles, and was actually more effective than minoxidil at preventing hair loss.
Bhringraja contains vitamin E, which is known to fight free radicals that can impede hair growth.
Dandruff reduction
Bhringraja oil has antimicrobial and antifungal properties that can help reduce dandruff.
The oil also has anti –inflammatory properties, which can help in psoriasis or other skin irritation on the scalp.
It also improves circulation to the scalp.
Grey hair is also commonly understood as a loss of pigment.
The darkening properties of Bhringraja may help hair appear less grey
1. Bhringraja Powder
Take ¼-½ teaspoon of Bhringraja powder. Mix it with honey. Take it after taking light food twice a day. 2. Bhringraja Capsule
Take 1-2 Bhringraja capsule. Swallow it with water after lunch. Take it twice a day. 3. Bhringraja Tablet
Take 1-2 Bhringraja tablet. Swallow it with water after lunch. Take it twice a day.
Note : Please consult with your Ayurvedic Physician before consuming.
Bhringraja Oil
According to the principles of Ayurvedic medicine, Bhringraja oil is used to treat imbalances in pitta, one of three Doshas (universal life forces) said to govern all physical and mental processes.
Since excess pitta is characterized by heat, the cooling properties of Bhringraja oil are believed to help normalize conditions caused by pitta imbalances.
Bhringraja oil is said to alleviate inflammation when massaged into the scalp or skin. It can also increase the thickness and luster of hair as well as prevent graying and split ends.
Research into the benefits of Bhringraja oil is limited. Among the current body of evidence, a 2009 study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology reported that the topical use of an Eclipta alba extract stimulated the growth of hair follicles in mice. Increasing concentrations conferred to better results.