Tri Doshas also known as Three Bio-Energies and Three Pollutants

When the five eternal substances – Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth combine to form the human body, they do so by creating three vital energies, or Doshas.

These are three mighty forces that govern all psycho-physiological functions in the body and mind respectively. When balanced leads to a disease free and healthy state of mind & body, any form of disturbance can lead to the disharmony of body and mind.
Elements : Space + Air

It is the most powerful and volatile among all the three Doshas.
Formed by the interaction of Space and Air elements.
Vata types should try to stay in warm and humid locations to create a quiet, safe, and comfortable environment.
Qualities of Vata
Ruksha - Dry
Laghu - Light
Sheeta - Cold (and dry)
Kara - Rough with dryness
Sukshma - Subtle
Chala - Constant movement. Like a snake or ant
Sara - lubricated movement (Charaka)
Vishada - dry slippery like the touch of a reptile. (Charaka)
To keep Vata in a balanced form
Regular Oil baths
Intake of warm food and beverages (non-caffeinated)
Raw foods should be avoided as these are VATA aggravating
Practicing peace and quiet via meditative techniques are healing for the Vata type.
Gentle and relaxing massage is something to be done on regular basis.
Elements : Fire + Water

Formed by the interaction of fire and water.
Polarity of these two elements plays an important role for Pitta, which regulates the body metabolism and transformations in the body’s form.
For people with very pronounced Pitta, it is very important to avoid extremes.
Qualities of Pitta
Sasneha - Unctuousness
Tikshna - Sharp
Ushna - Hot
Laghu - Light
Visram - Foul, Fermented, Strong
Sara - Slippery, like banana peel
Drava - Liquid
Amla - Sour (Charaka)
Katu - Pungent (Charaka)
To keep Pitta in a balanced form
Choose activities those are of moderate exertion such as jogging, dancing, or cycling.
Foods having cooling effects should be included
Raw food should be minimum
Very large portions should be avoided
Practice being calm and content : Meditation and some breathing techniques are helpful
Deep and comforting massages with Ayurvedic oil are good
Elements : Water + Earth

Formed by the structural properties of Earth interacting with Water in its role as a lubricant to different tissues of the body
Qualities of Kapha
Snigdha - Unctuousness
Sheeta - Cold
Guru - Heavy - stable movement, solid
Manda - Dull, Slow
Slakshna - Smooth
Mritsnaha - Greasy. Magnetic attraction. Binding
Sthira - Stable.
Hema - very cold. With water quality (Susruta).
Madhura - Sweet(Charaka) Pleasantness. Ojas.
Mridu - Soft(Charaka).
To keep Kapha in a balanced form
Warm light food, Green salads
Food cooked with less water
Ideal fats : Avocado, Grapeseed oil
Lighter meals are advisable
High intensity exercises, A good run coupled with Yoga are advisable
Deep massages with warm herbal oils are very useful stimulants.
Special offer : FOC (Valid only until 12th Feb 2022)
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Disclaimer : It is always recommended to consult your Ayurvedic physician before trying any remedies, lifestyle modifications or medicines